Mark Cox

Mark has always had a passion for people, authentic expression, and enjoying life to the fullest! He is a dedicated identity and self-leadership coach who specializes in guiding individuals to discover their authentic self. With a deep understanding of the transformative power of connection and a holistic approach to well-being, Mark guides his clients on a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.

At the core of Mark's practice is a strong value for providing safe and nurturing environments where individuals can freely express themselves and rediscover their authentic voices. He recognizes that many have experienced having their voices silenced, and he is committed to helping them find their unique expression and regain their sense of empowerment.

You have a unique voice, and the world needs it!

Mark embraces a holistic perspective, viewing individuals as multifaceted beings comprising mind, body, and emotion. By addressing all aspects of their being, he guides his clients towards a state of wholeness and harmony. Through his coaching, Mark helps individuals foster connections with themselves, and each other, recognizing the profound impact these connections have on overall well-being.

As the founder of FreeVoice Coaching, Mark brings a wealth of expertise to his work. He utilizes a combination of coaching techniques, mindfulness practices, and nature-based experiences to support his clients in their transformative journeys. His approach empowers individuals to overcome limitations, embrace their authenticity, and step into a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. His question to anyone he works with is, “What does full freedom feel like?”

Life is a gift meant to be enjoyed!

Mark’s deepest desire and best work is in supporting others to build lives they are truly thrilled to be living! - And it thrills him to do it!