Identity And Self-Leadership Coaching

“Recalibrate Your Life Compass on the LiveFree Expedition”

In the grind of daily life we can often lose site of the mountain we are climbing because it takes all our effort just to take the next step. Just as an explorer needs to take a break to look at the map once in a while, it is helpful to rest from the hubbub of life in order to consider where you want to be going long term, if you are on the right path, and what recalibrating needs to happen to your life compass.

“Life is a Gift Meant to be Enjoyed”

Mark’s passion for guiding others toward full enjoyment of life comes from his own path through hurt, suffering, joy, and freedom. Life has both valleys and mountain tops, and many places in between. Each path has meaning, and each path is meant to be enjoyed. Learning to be motivated by joy is the adventure of a lifetime, and Mark’s heartbeat.

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“Enjoying Life is Primary to Responsible Living”

Many experts encourage you to balance work and leisure. They tell you that you need to be responsible but allow breaks from responsibility to enjoy life. What if enjoying life was not a break from responsibility, but actually fundamental to living responsibly? The true path to responsible living in life is the path to fullest freedom and enjoyment in life. This is the road I invite you to travel with me. Let’s discover who you are by excavating your deepest desires and learn to integrate them so you can experience what you enjoy every day.

“Every adventure begins with a single step.”